You Are Welcome Here!

We extend this very special welcome to all those who are single, living together, married, or filthy rich.

We love having you here if you’re 6th generation Canadian, just arrived in Canada this morning, here to work temporarily, or this is the only home your Ancestors have ever known.

We extend a special welcome to those who are born-again, poor as dirt, divorced 3 times, skinny as a rail, don’t know about this God thing, confused but accepting this gender stuff, or just plain can’t sing.

You’re welcome here if you’re “just browsing,” just woke up, or just got out of jail. We don’t care if you haven’t seen a church since little Carrie’s Baptism, said a prayer since Bobby’s Confirmation, or can’t stand the bagpipes.

We are thrilled if you clicked on the wrong YouTube channel and found us here by mistake – your gaffe is our joy and hopefully yours.

You’re welcome here if you’re gay, straight, trans, wear socks in your Birkenstocks, or don’t shop at Frenchy’s.

We don’t care if you’re more Baptist than John, more Lutheran than Luther, more Catholic than the Pope, or more United than the Moderator, or forgot the words to “Barret’s Privateers”, you’re welcome here.

We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast.

We welcome Hockey moms, Soccer dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte-sippers, motorcycle riders, kayak paddlers, pickleball players, and eBike jockeys.

The door is open to vegetarians and vegans, junk-food eaters, and people who stay up too late at night.

We don’t care if you ordered the beef at the Lobster Pound, forgot to put beans in your Hodge Podge, or can’t tell a Cortland from a Gravenstein,

If you’re having problems, down in the dumps, or you don’t like “organized religion”, we get that. If you blew all your offering money filling up your car this morning, and don’t know how to pronounce scallops, you’re welcome here.

We offer a special welcome to those who could lose a few pounds, think the earth is flat, work too hard, can’t spell, clueless about computers, or came because grandma is in town and wanted to go to church. 

We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, scratching your head over TV preachers, or the Magic Wine Bus got lost and you wound up here by mistake. We welcome tourists, seekers, travellers, doubters, bleeding hearts … and you! Welcome Home!