
The Trustees are not a committee of Council, but they do have representation on Council.
Orchard Valley United Church currently has 8 Trustees representing the congregation when dealing with property matters.
OVUC Trustees:
- abide by the mandate of the UCC Manual, and are responsible for the prudent investment of all funds held in trust for the benefit of the congregation and its work and for the prudent upkeep/preservation of the value of the Church building, of the Covenanter Church and its cemetery;
- select from within their members a chair secretary and treasurer;
- have two standing “subcommittees”: An Affairs of the Covenanter Church and an Investment Committee. From time to time Trustees appoint ad hoc committees, most notably when dealing with impactful property matters including the sale of buildings and other real property;
- work most closely with Finance Committee and Property Committee, sharing professional audit services;
- accept regular direction from Church Council for the regular allocation of Trustees funds to OVUC operating;
- do not make independent expenditure decisions. Trustees hold all funds in trust for the decision of the congregation, usually expressed through Church Council;
- administer funds held in trust according to the instruction of the estate or the terms under which the donations were made;
business and actions of the Trustees are open and accountable for all actions to the congregation and any member of the congregation is invited to attend meetings as an observer; and - issue an annual report to the congregation.
Updated and approved February 2017
Chair – Harvey Gilmour