Our Minister, Rev Don Sellsted, arrived at Orchard Valley United Church on July 1, 2018. He grew up in the prairies of western Canada and after spending years working there and traveling extensively for his work, he accepted a call into ministry. Don has been a continuous learner since 1985 including graduating as an Engineering Technologist and studying at the University of Regina. In 2009 he began his theological studies at St. Andrews College in Saskatoon before entering into his Master of Divinity studies at the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax. He graduated with his Master’s degree in May 2018, and was ordained into the United Church of Canada later that month.
Rev. Dr. Linda Marcotte is our Supply Minister for Youth and Young Families. She has done both congregational ministry and chaplaincy over 25 years of ministry in the UCC. She is a graduate of Acadia (BA-Wolfville, NS), AST (M Div-Halifax, NS) and ETS (D Min-Detroit, Mi). She is a specialist in cultural and pastoral/spiritual practice. Linda retired in 2014 and has never stopped serving congregations across Canada including three years in Yellowknife NWT, where she became very involved in the MMIW&G and Every Child Matters Movements. She has served in all ten provinces and three territories and has been called a ‘tumble weed’ by her colleagues, as she is willing to go anywhere the Church needs help.

Thea Burton, our Choir Director, began singing in choirs when she was 4 years old, and hasn’t stopped since. She previously co-directed the former St. Andrew’s United Church choir in Wolfville, N.S., and now, upon retirement from the school board as a Speech-Language Pathologist, is enjoying returning to choir duties at Orchard Valley, occasionally sharing a Broadway tune or two.
Carmen Peng, Collaborative Pianist, a math and biology major at Acadia University, began piano studies at the tender age of 5, and recently earned her ARTC (Associate Diploma) from the Royal Conservatory of Music. She spoils the choir with her weekly rehearsal treats.

Rachel MacLean-Hawley (picture coming) is the administrative assistant at Orchard Valley United Church. Rachel is a former PK (Preacher’s Kid) and spent most of her youth as part of many church families throughout Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. She is a Singer/Songwriter/Recording Artist from the Annapolis Valley.
Darrel McDow is our new custodian here at Orchard Valley United Church. He comes with a significant background in law enforcement and custodian experience.