“All congregations or pastoral charges must have a committee, which may be called the Ministry and Personnel Committee, with the following responsibilities: being available for consultation and support for matters involving the pastoral charge staff; overseeing the relationship of the pastoral charge staff to each other and to people in the congregation; regularly reviewing the working conditions, responsibilities, and compensation of all pastoral charge staff; making any recommendations needed as a result of these reviews to the governing body; revising position descriptions of pastoral charge staff as needed; conducting annual performance reviews of the pastoral charge staff; ensuring pastoral charge staff make use of opportunities for continuing education that they have been given; and maintaining close contact with the presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee.”
Responsibilities related to the mandate include:
- staff contracts;
- salaries;
- staff support;
- keeping employee records;
- engage in the hiring process as requested by Council;
- offer confidential support to volunteers who seem vulnerable regarding roles and relationships;
- liaise with Pastoral Relations Committee of Presbytery as needed; and
- provide monthly reports to Council, an annual budget to the Finance Committee, and a report for the OVUC Annual Report.
Updated and approved February 2017
Chair: Nancy Handrigan