Sunday Service Time: 10:00 a.m.
Office Hours: 8 – 12 Mon to Thurs
130 Cornwallis Ave, New Minas, NS
Phone: (902) 681-0366
Email Orchard Valley United Church
Land: Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and
unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People

OUR COMMUNITY: What do we do at Orchard Valley United? We love to get together for events that connect us to our faith and each other. Ask us about our games afternoons, prayer shawl ministry, many pot luck events, and much more. Find out more…

WORSHIP SERVICES: We meet every Sunday morning at 10:00am followed by a time of fellowship over coffee/tea and snacks. We also have many special services inviting the spirit to God to join us in many and in unique ways. View our previous services…

OUTREACH: Our vision statement is Living and Acting through Faith. We are committed to making a difference in our local and global communities with numerous initiatives and several more in progress. click here to learn more…