The Orchard Valley United Church Men’s Group consists of 15-20 men. They discuss upcoming church events and ways they can assist with those events. They conduct two fundraising projects : The FundScrip program and The Guys’ Cans program. They also help out with any maintenance and repair jobs or projects at the Church. They encourage and invite all men who are interested to come out and join in this time of fellowship. For further information, contact Chris Seymour at 902-678-8865 or

Men’s Breakfast– We meet at the New Minas Irving Big Stop at 7:45 am, the first Sunday of the month for Breakfast and Fellowship.

Men’s Fellowship Luncheon: All gentlemen are most cordially invited to our our Men’s Fellowship
Luncheons at noon at OVUC on the second Friday of the month. Cost is $7 per man. A speaker is invited each month to give a talk that will be of interest to all of us.


Fundscrip is a program where you buy gift cards at face value but because you do it through the Men’s Group they earn money and you receive a tax receipt at the end of the year. To obtain more details on how the program works see one of the men at the back of the sanctuary or click the following link:  FundScrip. To download an order form, click one of the following links:

Men’s Fundscrip – June 23, 2021 – Short Form
Men’s Fundscrip – June 23, 2021 – Long Form

Proceeds from their two main fundraisers, Fundscrip and The Guys’ Cans, are used to support the general operations of the Church, special projects within the church from time to time, and for the maintenance and upkeep of four cabins at Sherbrooke Lake United Church Camp.


The purpose of a men’s organization may be, in whole or in part: (a) to deepen the spiritual life of men through worship, Bible study, and discussion of their Christian witness in their community, at their work, and in their homes; (b) to develop a greater knowledge of the church, its nature and mission; (c) to provide opportunities for service and fellowship including sponsorship of fund raising activities; d) to enhance fellowship particularly given the amalgamation of Orchard Valley Pastoral Charge; and e) to hear speakers and gain knowledge on matters of current interest in the local community and within the denomination.