
The mandate of the Property Committee is to be responsible for the maintenance, repair and upkeep of all church property.

The Committee shall be responsible for:

  • the development of a five-year plan for maintenance and capital replacements (with costs). This plan is to be submitted to Council annually for review;
  • the general upkeep and maintenance of the church building (inside and out) including the grounds to ensure they are ready and safe for use. Much of the work will be assigned to the care contractor;
  • recommendations to Ministry & Personnel/Council regarding terms of the care contract;
  • in co-operation with the Board of Trustees, updating the inventory of all church equipment and furnishings annually;
  • annually reviewing all external service and maintenance contracts, i.e. extinguishers, alarms, emergency procedures, and make recommendations to Council on same;
  • approval and sign-off on rental agreements;
  • acting as contact persons for Valley Alarms along with care contractor;
  • overseeing the distribution and copying of all keys pertaining to the building; and
  • providing monthly reports to Council, an annual budget to the Finance Committee, and a report for the OVUC Annual Report.

Updated and approved February 2017


Chair: John Foote