The mandate of Covenanter Church Committee is to:
- approve the operating budget and five-year repair budget;
- accept other expenditures not on budgets and refer them to Council for approval;
- oversee the work of the Building Coordinator and any Ad Hoc committees;
- oversee the work of the Secretary and Treasurer;
- choose a representative to serve on Council, preferably the Chair;
- choose the signing officers for the Covenanter Heritage Fund;
- inform and update the OVUC Trustees of plans regarding major repair projects;
- confer with Worship Committee regarding worship services at the Covenanter Church;
- determine lawn care and janitor honoraria; and
- provide monthly reports to Council, an annual budget to the Finance Committee, and a report for the OVUC Annual Report.
Updated and approved February 2017
Chair – please contact the OVUC Office